
Skilled workforce to guarantee their maintenance.

Guided by our Maintenance routine we ensure that each and every one of the critical points and components of the system will work optimally complying with all the requirements of the Quality Management System, Safety Standards and NFPA 99

Medical grade equipment.

In a Medical Grade Compressor it is important to have control of the events to avoid the occurrence of failures in some components or the system and thereby avoid any incident that could affect the patient. In Compressors D&D we have a Maintenance Routine in which the status of all the critical points of the system are verified, depending on the period in which the Maintenance is performed some spare parts and components will be changed because of their use may present wear natural. This way we ensure the availability and expected reliability of the operations according to the optimal functionality, complying with all the requirements of the Quality Managements Systems, as well as Safety and Environment Standards, seeking the maximum global benefit. Ensuring the proper functioning of all the components that make up the NFPA such as air receiver, filters, dryers, water separators, control panel, valves, etc.

Industrial Equipment

Maintenance is defined as a set of activities developed in order to ensure that any asset continues performing the desire functions or design, in an Industrial Grade Compressor it is important to have control of events to avoid the occurrence of failures in some system component and thereby avoid stopping in production lines. In Compressors D&D we have a Maintenance Routine in which the status of all the critical points of the system are verified, depending on the period in which the Maintenance is performed some spare parts and components will be changed because of their use may present wear natural. This way we ensure the availability and expected reliability of the operations according to the optimal functionality, complying with all the requirements of the Quality Managements Systems, as well as Safety and Environment Standards, seeking the maximum global benefit.

NFPA 99 Training

We have certified personnel in NFPA 99. You will know the minimum requirements of the NFPA 99 code for facilities and inspections in the last revision of medical networks. Why is important to recognize NFPA 99 Standard? We conduct staff awareness seminars, to recognize the mínimum requirements of the NFPA 99 Standard since it applies to all health care facilities other than those where home health care is provided. While most building and fire codes define a medical care occupation as one in which four or more occupants are not capable of self-preservation occupanats. In other words, when medical care is provided, the equipment and systems must comply the requirements of NFPA 99, regardless of the number of patients to whom care is provided.Contamos con personal certificado vigente en la NFPA 99. Usted conocerá los requisitos mínimos del código NFPA 99 para instalaciones e inspecciones en su última revisión de las redes medicinales. ¿por qué es importante reconocer la norma? Nosotros realizamos seminarios de concientización al personal, para reconocer los requerimientos minimos de la norma NFPA 99,ya que se aplica a todas las instalaciones de atención médica distintas de aquellas en las que se brinda atención médica domiciliaria. Si bien la mayoría de los códigos de construcción e incendios definen una ocupación de atención médica como aquella en la que cuatro o más ocupantes no son capaces de autoconservarse, la NFPA 99 no define una instalación de atención médica por su carga mínima de ocupantes, ni considera la capacidad de los ocupantes de autoconservación En otras palabras, cuando se brinda la atención médica, el equipo y los sistemas deben cumplir con los requisitos de la NFPA 99, independientemente de la cantidad de pacientes a los que se brinda atención.

Medical Network Inspection


  • Ciudad de México,
    +52 (55) 56897657
    Lun-Vier:8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • Chaponost,
    +33 (0) 47856 7070
    Lun-Vier:8:30 AM - 6:30 PM